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Year 6

Welcome to our Base 6 webpage! 

Our class teachers are Mrs Lawton and Mrs Livesey and our SSAs are Miss Regan, Ms Gill and Miss Hill. On this page you will find lots of information about what has been happening in class and any information about upcoming events. Keep checking the page regularly to keep up with any information or events that are being held in Year 6 and throughout the school. 

Throughout Year 6, we aim to make learning engaging, challenging and supportive for all. The learning environment is well structured and prepares children for their transition on to secondary school. We encourage the children to become independent, determined learners who are in charge of their own goals. we personally, cannot wait to see the children blossom in confidence throughout the year and we intend on making their last year of junior school a memorable one! 

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us at school and we can answer any questions or queries you may have. 


6L will have their outdoor PE lesson on Wednesday afternoons and their indoor lesson on Friday afternoons. 6LV will do indoor PE on a Tuesday and will take part in outdoor PE lessons on Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit in school for this days.  


Homework is due in on Fridays and consists of an activity from the grid each week. 

Home Reading 

Children in Year 6 should be reading at home every night for at least 15 minutes. Please find a link below with questions that you can ask whilst your child is reading. Encourage your child to engage with the book they are reading and remember to share your love for reading too! 

Autumn 2 - WW2 Homework

Spelling and grammar games 

Free e-books

Accelerated Reader

Maths Games

Times Table Rockstars

Hit the Button