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High Aspirations, Bright Futures

Welcome to Meadowhead Community Junior School!

This website aims to give you a taster of the school as well as providing regular updated information for parents, carers and pupils.

Our school is a two form entry junior school with 213 pupils aged 7 - 11.

We are very proud of our high quality learning environment. We love our library which is stunning and makes us all want to read more and more. We have a wonderful playground which we constantly try to improve: football and basketball zones, tyre park, trim trail, gym equipment and a poppy shelter. We use our Forest School for lots of exciting activities : den making, wood whittling, mud sculpture, fire making. 

Our children are an inspiration. They are well behaved and show responsible attitudes towards learning. They are proud of their school and are keen to take on responsibilities such as the School Council or Playground Leaders. It is an absolute pleasure to be their Headteacher.

We hope that you will enjoy your visit to our website and that you find any information you are looking for.Please contact the school direct with any queries you may have.  

Thank you for visiting!

Kind Regards,

Mr Dugdale