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Healthy School Meals

Meadowhead Junior School is dedicated to providing an environment that promotes healthy eating habits and enables pupils to make informed food choices. This is achieved by the whole school approach to food and nutrition documented in the whole school food policy. (See document below)

The main aims of our school food policy is:

  1. To provide healthy food/drink choices throughout the school day, aligning with the mandatory School Food Standards, and to ensure food stuffs brought into school are healthy;
  2. To enable pupils to make healthy food choices through the provision of information and the development of appropriate skills, behaviours and attitudes; and
  3. To ensure a consistent and engaged approach to healthy eating across the school community, including pupils, staff and parents/carers considering children with complex health needs such i.e. coeliac disease or severe allergies

As a school we have achieved Gold award for Healthy Recipes and 5* in Food and Hygiene and the food policy has been shared with all staff and parents. 

Booking meals is easy, you need to do this via the Weduc App the Wednesday Prior to the week in which the meals are required, so the catering team can order the correct amount of food in. This is the menu for Sprin 2024, get your child involved in making thier prefered meal choice.