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Governor Section

Meadowhead Junior School Governance

Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out more about the school’s Governors and the work that we do.

All Governors are encouraged to take an active part in the life and governance of the school. They are encouraged to attend training courses on all aspects of the curriculum and school management to develop their knowledge and skills to help the children at Meadowhead Junior School gain as much as they possibly can from their time at our school.

Governing Board Diversity Data

At the present time we do not collect and publish information about the diversity of our Governing Board.

The role of the Governing Board

The Governing Board has three core functions:

1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of Meadowhead Junior School

2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance at Meadowhead Junior and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff, and

3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that money is well spent

Governance Structure

Our Governing Board consist of:

  • The Headteacher
  • One elected staff governor
  • Two elected parent governors
  • Seven co-opted governors
  • One Local Authority governor

The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The chair and vice-chair are elected annually at the first full governing board meeting of the academic year.

The Chair of Governors is Ms Frances Molloy and Mrs Carrie Ramsbottom is our vice chair of governors. They can both be contacted via the school office.

The Governing Board meets four times each year. Much of the work of the Governing Board is done by committees which meet at least every term (three times in the year).

At Meadowhead Junior School we have the following committees:

  • Education and Standards Committee: The Chair of the Education and Standards Committee is Ms Frances Molloy. 
  • Business Committee: The Chair of the Business Committee is to be confirmed at the next Committee meeting.

We also have a Pay Committee which usually meets once a year. There are also committees that meet, if required, to consider pupil discipline, staffing issues, appeals and complaints.

Membership of our Governing Board

Ms Frances Molloy

Chair of Governors Re-elected 21/09/2023 - Co-opted Governor Term of office 30/11/2021 to 29/11/2025 

I am now retired but spent most of my life working within local government both as an officer and also as an elected member. I am a qualified social worker but mostly worked within an education setting providing support and advice to schools in Lancashire.

I have many years’ experience as a local authority governor and as a Co-opted governor and on joining the Governing Board at Meadowhead Junior School in 2017 was keen to bring both my personal and professional knowledge and skills to the role as Governor.

I am passionate about helping Meadowhead Junior School achieve its ambitions and for the children to enjoy school and achieve their potential through a high-quality education in a safe, happy environment.

I have held a Blackburn Rovers season ticket for more years than I care to remember and in my spare time I enjoy walking, reading and learning to speak Spanish.

Mrs Allison Chadwick

Headteacher ex-officio Term of office from 20/06/2013 for duration of employment as Headteacher.

My name is Allison Chadwick. I am tremendously proud to be Headteacher at Meadowhead Junior School and therefore I am a member of the Governing Body. I really enjoy our Governor meetings, sharing every aspect of school life with a group of people who genuinely want the best for every pupil at Meadowhead. I am questioned and challenged but this helps me move the school forward and to achieve our goals. I started teaching at Meadowhead in 1995. I taught in class for several years and was subject leader for music, history, and assessment before becoming the Special Needs Co-ordinator. I truly loved that role, working with very talented SSAs and professionals from a wide range of agencies to support pupils with SEN. I have two sons, they each came to Meadowhead and still talk fondly about their time here, the friends they made & the teachers they had. I live in Darwen, up on the tops where the wind blows a gale and when it snows, it falls in bucket loads! Believe it or not I love it there!  I would love to be a good gardener, but Darwen weather often stops me getting out there! I enjoy singing and going to concerts for music of any type! I also love football. My sons are avid Rovers fans but there is only one team for me……Bolton Wanderers!

Mrs Carrie Ramsbottom

Vice Chair of Governors Re-elected 21/09/2023 -Co-opted Governor Term of office 30/12/2022 to 30/12/2026

Hello parents of Meadowhead Community Junior School. As most of you will recognise me from the office, I would like to introduce myself as one of the governors of Meadowhead Juniors. My main role in the office is Attendance Officer. I deal with all aspects of attendance and punctuality alongside Laura Duckworth (Pupil Wellbeing Coordinator) and our Headteacher; Mrs Allison Chadwick. I am also finance assistant to our School Business Manager Mrs Andrea Hartley. I have been a governor for about 8 years now being on 2 committees; Education Standards and Business. I am link governor for Maths and Safeguarding. My decision to be part of the governing body was because I wanted to challenge and scrutinise a curriculum that is in my opinion excellently taught across the school and have every confidence in the teaching staff at Meadowhead Junior School. If anyone has any questions or queries about their child’s attendance and our school policies, please do not hesitate to track me down in or around school, I’m always around before and after school. Kind regards Mrs Carrie Ramsbottom.

Miss Laura Duckworth

Staff Governor Term of office 12/07/2023 to 11/07/2027 

My name is Laura Duckworth I am the staff governor for Meadowhead Junior School. I am the Pupil Wellbeing Co-ordinator here at school and have been in post for the last 2 years. I really enjoy my role and will always do my best to support families. I work closely with Mrs Ramsbottom to support with attendance. 

Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my little boy. We are Bolton Wanderers supporters and enjoy going watching the games. I also enjoy playing rounders and tennis during the summer months.

Ms Rachel Blackledge

Acting Headteacher

Associate Member with Voting Rights for Education and Standards Committee and Business Committee

Term of office from 21/09/2023 for duration of employment as Acting Headteacher

Pen Picture - 

Details to follow

Mrs Lynne Cookson

Parent Governor, Term of office 03/10/2022 to 3/10/2026

Mr Steve Wolski

Local Authority Governor, Term of office 6/12/2023 to 5/12/2027

Mr John Easton

Co-opted Governor, Term of office 14/09/2023 to 13/09/2027

Mrs Geraldine McHale

Co-opted Governor, Term of office 03/10/2022 to 03/10/2026

Mrs Natalie Young

Appointed by the GB/board, Term of office 03/10/2022 to 3/10/2026