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Year 4

Welcome to Base 4 !

Our class teachers are Mrs Worden, Mrs Carins and Mr Bennison and our SSAs are Mrs Suffi, Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Horman. On this page you will find information about what learning has been happening and information about upcoming events. 

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us through the Dojo app or talk to us at the base door at the end of the da with any questions or queries you may have. 


4CW and 4B will have their outdoor PE lesson on Thursday afternoons and their indoor lesson on Monday afternoons. 

Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit in school for these days.  


Homework this term is home reading for 10 minutes a day (please ensure your child is reading regularly at home and then they can complete their Accelerated Reader Quiz in school) , spelling practise and times tables. Please use the TTRS app to improve your speed and your times tables knowledge. 

Well done to last half terms

Scientist of the day in Year 4 

Harrison, Annaliese, Russell, Oscar, Maryam and Mohammed

All used key vocabulary and shared their learning with the class on our Teeth and Digestive System topic. 

Our topic for science this half term is Electricity, Ava is our scientist of the week she was a super team member and helped her group use the correct vocabulary and helped them explore their predictions when creating a simple series circuit. Well done Ava!

Please encourage your child to read at least 10 minutes a day and practise their times tables 

Well done to Maryam for most improved speed on TTRS. 

We have had another busy week in Base 4!

We are working on writing our newspaper reports about the grewsome plague, learning about the analogue and digital clock and time problems in maths and continuing our electricity topic in science and DT. 

Please keep on reading at home and practising those times tables on TTRS 

Happy New Year!!!

Wow we are in 2024 already and have lots to learn this half term. 

We hope you have all had a lovely break. 

Could we ask that everyone is in school on time

(we are rewarding everyone who is with dojos in class) we would really like to be first in the attendance race this term. 

A little reminder for reading regularly and practising times tables on TTRS. 

Thank you Mrs Carins, Mrs Worden and Mr Bennison  

Please can all children have their PE kits in school, we have indoor on Monday and outdoor on a Thursday. 

Thank you 

Base 4